It's nice to be able to click on photos and view them in a larger format. However, the photos we uploaded initially are
gigantic. My browser won't zoom out, so I'd have to download yours to get a full screen/full photo shot. Check my second batch (Round 1, 2/2) and see if 1024 is a reasonable width.
general thoughts on halfastop
I really really like what you guys are doing here. I've already told several photography enthusiasts about halfastop.
However, (and maybe this would be more appropriate when there are more participants) I would love to see an assignment given to all participating photographers. When Daniel and I took photography in high school, our teacher would assign things like "leading line" and everyone had to take pictures of lines. This way, it gives the viewer many different perspectives on the same idea, thus broadening the perspective of each individual. Stephen might see something in Nathan's shots or Daniel's shots that opens his mind (and his mind's eye) when behind the lens. Afterall, the more ways an artist can look at and think about a subject, the more creative his output will be.
For your consideration.
Great idea, Dan! As intimidated as I am by comparison, I think the warm, hospitable, grandma's-got-a-pie-in-the-oven atmosphere of HalfaStop would be the perfect environment for learning from one another.
1024 is fine with me as the maximum dimension, but this will require manual resizing. I can't figure out how to make Blogger change the maximum size for uploaded images.
Dan, I appreciate your input and the publicity. The one-assignment-for-all approach has crossed my mind, and we can try it occasionally, but there are a number of reasons I prefer the idea of individual assignments.
I guess this is a good place to share some of my vision for Half a Stop. The idea came from a photography book I am reading. The author, Freeman Patterson, leads photography workshops on a regular basis. Toward the end, he and his teaching partner give each student an individualized assignment designed to help the student work on a weakness or improve a strength. Patterson also described two friends that would give each other assignments each week. I hope that Half a Stop stays small enough (or becomes cells that are small enough) that each participant knows the other photographers and their photography well and can give them assignments that help them grow in very specific ways and are geared to what they are doing. I have seen photography contest sites that give weekly assignments, but they tend to be generic and uninspiring. I am afraid that any assignment I came up with for several people would be equally unsatisfying. Also, while shooting, I think I would be too concerned with how others would deal with the topic, and I would try to be original instead of trying to be good. I hope that we can think about how we would have approached others' assignments and learn from their results even if we never shoot that assignment.
Feedback is always welcome.
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